27-03-2023 1: contact us image.===========>(DONE) 2: add blog give multiple images and content.===========>(DONE) 3:remove map.===========>(DONE) 4: blog detail show the website name (by admin).===========>(DONE) 5: remove id and show the blog heading in blog detail page.===========>(DONE) 6: change text label (search on chatgpt => ask chatgpt).===========>(DONE) 7: add chatgpt on the add blog page and ressult will appear in description.===========>(DONE) 8: scheduale functionality in website.===========>(DONE) 9: change icons in services admin & Website.===========>(DONE) 31-03-2023 1: paginations in blogs page.===========>(DONE) 2: expiry date is optional.===========>(DONE) 3: hide debugger mode.===========>(DONE) 03-04-2023 1: active inactive team section option.===========>(DONE) 2: how our work heading update from admin.===========>(DONE) 3: dynamic tiny api key from admin panel.===========>(DONE) 4: blog tags update on live server.===========>(DONE) 5: remove tags at the bottom of blog detail page.===========>(DONE) 6: watermark on blog image only at right bottom corner. 7: share button on blog detal page.===========>(DONE) 8: chatGPT key error.===========>(DONE)